Copyright Information

Unless indicated to the contrary, all materials on this site including design, text, graphics and photographs are the copyright of Cookability. Some of the images and media we use are derivative works based on copyright media supplied by the respective manufacturer/distributor, we create these derivative works with their permission and where possible we credit the original source in the 'alt' text of the image.

Trade marks, logos and names appearing on this site are the property of their respective owners and we endeavour to acknowledge the owner in the 'alt' text of the image.

You may download and print extracts from this site for your personal use only. No right, title or interest in any downloaded materials or software is transferred to you by such downloading. You may not make any other use of material on this site (including reproductions except as above, publications, alteration or distribution) without our prior written permission.

Occasionally, we find web sites that use images and media that have been directly copied from our web site. We do not consider this infringement of our copyright to be marginal or harmless. We invest much time and effort in the production of media for this web site, therefore we always seek appropriate compensation from any unauthorised users of our media as permitted by UK and International law.

We are able to license our own product photography for use on other web sites, these images are supplied in hi-resolution tiff format on CD, most are cut-out with transparent background, to save you time preparing your own site. Prices start from 375GBP per CD.

Cookability is a registered trademark. No:2286607