Dishwasher Safe?

We use information supplied by each manufacturer in our product descriptions to indicate if a product is suitable for use in a dishwasher. Even if a product is shown as being dishwasher safe it is important to note the following:-

Stainless steel products should not be left in the hot, damp, atmosphere of the dishwasher for prolonged periods i.e. overnight. We always recommend that they are dried carefully at the end of the cycle before being stored.

Contrary to popular belief this symbol, when present on he packaging, does not indicate that an product is dishwasher safe! It is a requirement of the European Union Framework Regulation 1935/2004 and actually indicates that the product is safe for food contact.


Much of the bakeware we sell is not suitable for use in a dishwasher unless indicated in the description.


Food and salt deposits must rinsed off before loading. Do not mix silver and stainless steel in the same wash. Extended dishwasher use will eventually degrade the finish due to the continual contact between pieces. To prevent water marking products should be polished with a soft cloth.

For total care

For total care, even if a product is dishwasher safe, we would normally recommend hand washing in soapy water, rinsing then polishing dry with a soft cloth.